It’s Tough To Be A Bug is permanently closing to make way for new Zootopia attraction.

Flik and the rest of the ants are being evicted from Disney Animal kingdom, with Walt Disney World confirming the closing date for the It's Tough to be a Bug! attraction which sits in the base of the Tree Of Life, the centerpiece of Animal Kingdom.
The exterminators have been called, and It’s Tough To Be A Bug, 3D film and live show inspired by the Disney and Pixar movie A Bug’s Life will permanently close on March 17, 2025 to make way for Zootopia: Better Zoogether!, a new attraction coming to the space in Winter 2025.

It’s Tough To Be A Bug debuted on April 22, 1998, as an opening-day attraction, with guests becoming an honorary insect in the theater. Guests don a pair of “bug eye” glasses to enjoy a 3D movie and live show hosted by Flik, the loveable ant from A Bug’s Life, and learn how insects survive in the wild.
During the show, guests dodge flying quills from a tarantula, feel a harmless spray from a soldier termite and sniff the putrid “defense stench” from a stink bug.
When Hopper—the grasshopper villain from A Bug’s Life—unexpectedly shows up, the theater goes bug-wild, but not for much longer of course!
In winter 2025, The Tree of Life Theater will debut an all-new 4D production, “Zootopia: Better Zoogether!” Families can join their favorite herd from the hit Walt Disney Animation Studios movie including Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde and more for an exhilarating new wild story.

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