As everyone said their goodbyes and Slash Mountain disappeared into the history books last night at Magic Kingdom, opportunists claim they were bottling water from the ride to sell on Ebay!

As unbelievable as it sounds, this morning, Monday, January 23, the day after Splash Mountain closed forever, there is people selling what they claim is actual water from Splash Mountain's last day of operations in Magic Kingdom.
Even more unbelievable is the price tag, with one individual listing a jar of the water for $1,000!!
Some sellers are more realistic in their valuation of water, with bidding starting at $9.99.

On Sunday, riders lined up for upwards of three hours to be one of the last to ride Splash Mountain in Frontierland, now just hours later you can purchase water claimed to be taken from the attraction on the last day of operation.

There is dozens of listings selling Splash Mountain Water, with some of the jars already sold, with one buyer paying $34.95 for a small mason jar of water!!
Who knew bottling water could be such a massive profit maker, but is it actual Splash Mountain water??
