Sep 5Central Florida EventsIt’s getting weird in Sanford as Bazaar Botanica Artisan Market comes back to Tuffy's
Jul 12Central Florida EventsCatch Bazaar Botanica at Tuffy's Music Box for a good Ol' Weird Art Market and Creatives Meet-Up!
Jun 13Central Florida EventsCelebrate Pride Month with screening of I'm A Cheerleader at Bazaar Botanica Film & Sketch Night at Joyland Books
May 13Central Florida EventsBazaar Botanica says "Goodby Orlando" and announces May 19 event will be the last!
Apr 26Central Florida EventsOrlando's Weirdo Night Market is back - Alternative Misfit Market is hosting a David Lynch Night
Mar 13Orlando St Patrick's Day NewsEnjoy a Lucky Time at the Bazaar Botanica St. Paddy Day Market & Celebration!