Did you know that more than 300 different species that call Disney’s Animal Kingdom home?
From Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail to DinoLand U.S.A., see some hidden “a-boar-able" animals you may have missed on your last visit!
When you want to see animals at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park, where’s the first place you go?
Kilimanjaro Safaris is a great place to list, and with over 30 species roaming the Harambe Wildlife Reserve, you’re guaranteed a wild encounter.
Here are five “secret” animals to look out for during your next visit.
1. Kangaroos While snapping a photo in front of the Tree of Life, you might be photobombed by a sweet, energetic kangaroo!
Disney’s Animal Kingdom is home to two species of kangaroos including four western grey and two red. To get a better look, turn left at the Tree of Life photo area, and you’ll see the kangaroos to your right. The red ones have a white stripe on their face, which is how you can tell the difference.
2. American Crocodile Over in DinoLand, you can find more than just dinosaurs!
It’s also home to Marley, the American crocodile. You can find him making his way between water and land throughout the day to regulate his body temperature.
Wondering how you can tell the difference between this reptilian species and their alligator cousin? Look at their snouts! American crocodiles have long narrow snouts while alligators have a wider, U-shaped snout.
3. Naked Mole Rats Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail is a great place to find big animals like hippos, gorillas and okapis, but it’s also home to one of our smallest animals: naked mole rats.
You can find these little, pink rodents in the research center and, while they may look naked, they’re actually covered in very fine hair. Their hair is sensory and helps them navigate the dark, underground tunnels where they live.
4. Southern Giant Anteaters Before heading to Discovery Island, take a moment to enjoy The Oasis, located at the very front of the Park before you see the Tree of Life.
It’s home to many unique animals, like the southern giant anteater.
With their long, cylindrical snouts, anteaters have an incredible sense of smell, up to 40 times stronger than humans. They rely heavily on this sense because of their not too great eyesight.
5. Animals at Rafiki’s Planet Watch Did you know you can take a short and scenic train ride to visit a very special section of the park? Rafiki’s Planet Watch is one of my favorite “secret” spots at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, and it’s the perfect place to spot some of our most lovable animals.
At the Conservation Station, you can find reptiles like the Florida-native gopher tortoise, the desert rosy boa and the colorful splash-backed poison frog.
If your timing is right, you may catch the animal health team caring for animals through an observation window at Disney’s state-of-the-art veterinary hospital.
Bonus: Paroon Shark Catfish Got time to visit one more animal? Say hi to Bruce the paroon shark catfish near the Tree of Life Garden!
These freshwater fish often spend their time in deeper water and can grow up to ten feet long.
We hope you’re inspired to travel off the beaten path to experience these special animals during your next trip to Disney’s Animal Kingdom!
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