In a bid not to upset Annual Passholders, Walt Disney World have have had a change of heart on a previously announced rule regarding blackout dates for TRON Previews.
Earlier this year, Disney warned that Passholders who signed up for a TRON Lightcycle Run preview during a blockout date would lose their preview spot.
Here’s what Disney said at the time regarding Passholders who signed up for preview dates during times where their Pass type is blocked out:
A registration for a date that is a blockout date for your Pass type(s) will automatically be cancelled.
Please check blockout dates for each Pass type you are registering for. Modifications to a registration will not be permitted.
Valid Annual Pass required for park entry. Applicable pass blockout dates apply.
Now, despite this, Walt Disney World has started to add 1 day complimentary tickets to Passholder accounts so that they can attend the preview!
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